mardi 15 mars 2011

Vacancy for a Post-doctoral Researcher IS Unit at the IPTS

Reference number IPTS 10330-J04-116

Research Project Title "Researcher of ICT for Socio-economic Inclusion "

The Information Society (IS) Unit has a vacancy for a post-doctoral researcher

to work on "Socio-economic Analysis of ICT for Learning and Inclusion" Action.

This action is currently carrying out research to support European policies that

aim at development and adoption of ICT for learning and creativity, for cultural

diversity, for socio-economic inclusion of migrants and marginalized youth and

youth at risk of exclusion and to support long term care of elderly people. The

Action analyses the current (quantitative and qualitative) impacts of ICT

applications on the society and economy, and the subsequent opportunities and

challenges for European policy.

Project Description

The successful candidate will research the use and impact of ICT based

applications on the socio-economic inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion and for

supporting long term care, from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives.

He / she will also analyze implications in the relevant policy areas: information

society, skills, employment, immigration integration, youth, long term care,

education and training.

The candidate should have sound knowledge and research experience in the use of

ICT by groups at risk of exclusion, and on qualitative and quantitative research

methods for impact analysis. Experience on linking adoption dynamics and impacts

at individual level to aggregated social and economic indicators would be an asset.

He/she should be able to make use of a range of tools (foresight methods,

literature reviews, statistical and econometric processing, desk research, case

studies, surveys, organisation of expert workshops, etc.) to carry out research so

as to provide sound scientific evidence for policy support at European level in the

specific policy areas. The candidate will also develop scientific networks, review

and write reports and articles, launch, coordinate and manage research work,

participate in scientific seminars/workshops and represent the IPTS at

international conferences.

Candidates must hold a doctoral degree or having fulfilled all the obligations to

obtain a PhD (certified by the university) or having a minimum of 5 years

research experience after the first university degree giving access to doctoral

studies (which may include periods of training such as a masters degree) in a field

relevant to the JRC's scientific activities.

A very good level of written and spoken English is essential and knowledge of at

least one other EU language is compulsory.

36 months Duration

IPTS Information Point



Scientific responsible: Ms Clara Centeno


Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

IS Unit – ICTAS Action

Dr James Stewart

Scientific Officer, E-Inclusion


European Commission


+34954488319 office

+34638377764 mobile

dimanche 6 mars 2011

Le Maroc de Mohammed VI : mobilisations et action publique

Vient de paraître

Le Maroc de Mohammed VI : mobilisations et action publique
Politique Africaine, N° 120 - Décembre 2010

Coordonné par Myriam Catusse et Frédéric Vairel, avec les contributions de Irene Bono, Lamia Zaki, Karine Bennafla et Montserrat Emperador, Mohammed Benidir.

Avec le lancement d’une Initiative nationale pour le développement humain, Mohammed VI a inscrit son règne dans un vaste chantier réformiste au Maroc. D’ambitieuses réformes ont été lancées, appuyées par de nouveaux dispositifs d’action publique inspirés des modèles de développement internationaux. Mais ce réformisme conservateur suscite de fortes mobilisations sociales. Sit-in, marches, pétitions, occupations de locaux, boycotts de factures d’eau, piratage des lignes électriques, organisés à l’initiative d’associations des droits de l’homme, de syndicats en perte de vitesse, d’organisations de la gauche radicale, d’associations altermondialistes mais aussi de citoyens ordinaires, expriment depuis le début des années 2000 la volonté des populations marocaines urbaines et rurales de faire entendre leur voix et de défendre des droits nouveaux. Plutôt localisées, souvent peu politisées, organisées en coordinations ou canalisées par l’associatif, ces mobilisations sont étouffées ou réprimées par les autorités, ce qui atteste l’éminence des questions soulevées et leur charge politique. Des mouvements organisés sur des mots d’ordre semblables en Tunisie ont récemment montré leur capacité de déstabilisation d’un régime réputé nettement plus stable et prospère que celui du Maroc. Ce dossier explore les rencontres conflictuelles et les accommodements entre action publique et mobilisations autour de différentes facettes de la question sociale.
